From lack of funding to upcoming parasport games, All Things Parasport contains discussions covering all aspects of sports. What's your opinion?
ProjectEcho focuses on the impact of mega parasport events on parasport in general and the larger disability community. In this category, we try to break down and simplify research on disability sport, physical activity, and mega parasport events. We hope to engage with you, on how you interpret or resonate with the research. After all, the findings from the research are used to make policies and decisions that ultimately affect you.
How has the pandemic impacted your involvement in sport and physical activity? Have there been new opportunities created? Do you feel further marginalized? Share your opinion about how the pandemic has shaped the parasport experience.
Each month, Project Echo will host a live Zoom discussion where featured panellists will deep dive into a sea of parasport topics. While tuning into the discussion, a synchronous forum will be live under this thread so you can contribute to the discussion through sharing your personal experiences, asking questions, and engaging in meaningful conversation. Our first Deep Dive Discussion will be on October 27th at 1:30 PM EDT or 6:30 PM BST.
Join the chat nights and keep the conversation going!!
Which form of media best celebrates people with disabilities? How are recreational facilities implementing safety measures during return-to-play? Will disability sport be improved or hindered in a post-covid world? Tune into our Live Chat Nights and join the discussion to help make parasport better for all!
How important are major parasport events? Why should cities host major parasport games? What impact does hosting have on the community and on accessibility? Share your opinion on all things related to hosting major parasport games.
#CaptureTheBarrier is a campaign that focuses on calling out accessibility issues in your area. What barriers need to be removed in your community? How can your municipality make a more accessible city? Get your voice heard by sharing your experiences!
Discussing all things not relating to sports.
Tell us about what you love doing and why! Share your insights about why and how you get participate in your favourite sporting or physical activity experience!
Barriers to accessibility have been an ongoing problem, but has accessibility been progressing? How have institutions and organizations improved or hindered accessibility? Let us know your opinion on topics like transportation programming and USOPC's denial of Paralympian Becca Meyers' personal care assistant.
Post your comments and questions regarding the current Video Content posted on our social media sites. Get immediate responses, and watch us Live on as we read through and reply to your responses.
In this series, we invite some leaders in the parasport community to have a conversation with us about the legacies of major parasport events. In this series, we'll address the most pressing topics that impact, threaten, or even bolster these legacies. Among these topics, we will touch on the impact of COVID-19, returning to sports, and media.
We would appreciate participation in the focus groups. You can simply add your comments, answers, solutions and further questions to this forum or fill in the linked questionnaire.
Walk down memory lane with us, as we look back to past games and reflect on their subsequent legacies. Share your own memories and opinions around participation opportunities, accessibility, and inclusion that have resulted from these games.